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Home/Resist Allergy/ puz® eczemacare① capsule

name:Puz® EczemaCare① Capsule

Price:$ 58.00

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EczemaCare Complex Capsule is synthesized by adoption of the high-tech with the essence extracted from such all-natural plants as pine bark, perilla frutescens, grape seed, sophora flower and gentrin knotweed, etc. It can be highly effective in resistance on the free radicals, anti-allergic treatment and improving the vessel regulating function; it is also able to eliminate the body toxicant and completely purify the blood, ameliorate the skin microcirculation, recover the self supply of blood and oxygen of the organism, activate the anti-inflammation function of human body, effectively regulate the sebum secretion and balance the self-metabolic function of skin, repair the damaged skin cells, improve the skin redness and itching, preventing from eczema and urticaria, completely enhancing the allergic constitution.
Sweet tea extract can improve skin itching, inhabit the decomposition of hyaluronic acid, preventing from the decrease of the moistening function of the skin, maintaining the tender, smooth and elastic skin condition; it can also decompose the melanin deposited on the growth layer, effectively impede the activity of tyrosinase, preventing the splash from formation, fading out the pigment while resisting skin aging and enabling the skin to be more natural, whitening and elastic.
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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