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Home/Allergic Rhinitis series/ allergic pharyngitis

name:Allergic Pharyngitis

Price:$ 205.00

allergic pharyngitis:deallergy powder*1+deallergy capsule*1+inflmmatoryaway powder*1+toxingo capsule*1

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This package applies to throat swelling and pain, dry cough, throat pruritus, dryness, scorching hot, dysphagia, hoarse voice, chest stress, dizziness and headache caused by spreading of sensitinogens form nasal-oral cavity to the throat.
1. Safe disallergization, increasing cyto-immunity and effectively improving allergic conditions
2. Effectively reduce throat inflammation; fast relieve throat dryness, scorching hot and pain
3. Improving vessel wall elasticity and tenacity, effectively regulating micro-circulation and inhibiting edema
4. containing active small molecule than can discharge toxicants in deep position, clearing respiratory tract and restore the shielding function of barrier tissues.
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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