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Price:$ 180.00

urticaria(enhanced):eczemacare① capsule*1+deallergy capsule*1+inflmmatoryaway capsule*1+toxingo capsule*1

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This package mainly applies to skin pruritus, wheal, erythema, tingling, scorching pain, fever, hypodynamia, headache, dizziness, sweating, nausea, vomiting and other complicated symptoms like gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, arthralgia, lymphadenectasis and renal dysfunction with proteinuria and cylinderuria, as well as disturbance in respiratory and neurological system

Clearing blood toxicants and dysentery: deep detoxication and treatment to internal organs and regulating their function, cutting off the constant generation of blood toxicants

High permeability, reaching the lesion: quickly reaching the position of paraplasm with proliferin and blocking its continuing release, regulating epidermic cell metabolism to enhance immunofunction of the cells

Deep regulation of skin differentiation and its mechanism: it contains large amount of gene=regulating factors and anti-recurrence immune factors, promoting skin metabolism, improving micro-circulation to effectively regulate the mechanism involved in epilithial cell division, making the skin intact

Regulating body immune function in a two-way manner: reducing the body’s sensitivity to foreign ibject, decreasing capillary permeability, eliminating neron-angioedema, which is protective to body parts with more micro-vessels, and is conducive to the health of skin and mucosa
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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