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Home/Scratch Symptom series/ scratch symptom

name:Scratch Symptom(refractory)

Price:$ 245.00

scratch symptom(refractory):eczemacare① powder*1+eczemacare① capsule*1+deallergy powder*1+circulationace capsule*1+inflmmatoryaway capsule*1

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This package applies to lined wheal pricks, erythema, and flare, prick pain caused by scratching the itchy skin or after being scratched by sharp edges.
●Clearing free radicals, blocking sensitizing factor to stop mediators being released after simulation by strong sensitinogens, so as to prevent allergy, achieving disallergization
●Helping anti-inflammation and hygrotoxin, keeping blood flow fluent and restraining the spread of allergic symptom by blood
●Discharging by excretory system or sweat glands, radically removing toxicants, sensitinogens and mediators in the blood
●Fast treatment and repair of cell obstruction caused by allergy, blocking gene replication, comprehensively improving body condition, balancing acid-base level and enhancing immunity
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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