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Home/Blood-streak elimination series/ blood streak on sensitive skin

name:Blood streak on sensitive skin(Enhanced)

Price:$ 198.00

blood streak on sensitive skin(enhanced):deallergy powde*1+skin-beauti① capsule*2+ circulationace capsule*1

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This package mainly applies to conditions including rash, spalling, flare, itch, scorching pain and heat, red/purple spot, streak or plate-like blood streaks caused by long-term usage of steroids, cosmetics and facial care creams on sensitive skin.
1. Comprehensively remove allergy and improve the general condition
2. Repairing vessel to restore the elasticity and increasing the wall thickness.
3. protect blood capillary, ensuring blood flow and enhancing the metabolism of vessel wall cells.
4. Eliminating blood streaks, regulating micro-circulation, discharging internal toxicants, promoting metabolism and increasing immunity of human body
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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