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Home/Blood-streak elimination series/ telangiectasis-based blood streak

name:Telangiectasis-based Blood Streak

Price:$ 245.00

telangiectasis-based blood streak:skin-beauti① powder*1+ circulationacepowder*1+capillaryport② powder*1+toxingo powder*1

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This package mainly applies to facial blood streak, turning red and hot frequently, genetic blood streak condition and vessel aging and fragility, as well as red face due to lack of elasticity and facial blood streak formed after exposure to wind blow, sunlight and high temperature. It can effectively clear free radicals, repair capillary, increase capillary wall elasticity, ensure normal blood flow, protect blood capillary, comprehensively repair the skin and fundamentally curing thin keratoderma, providing nutrients to the skin, removing erythema and keeping the skin bright and shining.
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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