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Home/Allergy with Child/ pedo-skin allergy package

name:Pedo Skin Allergy

Price:$ 105.00

pedo skin allergy:deallergy powder*1+inflmmatoryaway powder*1

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This package mainly applies to skin swelling, pruritus, small rash, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting after exposure to certain sensitinogen of children. It can efficiently clear internal sensitinogen, regulate body immunity, eliminate blood toxicant, inhibit histamine release, promote cell tolerance to sensitinogen, protect cell membrane form being infiltrated by sensitinogen and comprehensively improve general condition without any side effects rt dependency, and is completely safe.
Address :100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 U.S.A.Phone:877-233-9142(free)Fax:1-425-675-6144

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